- Parents are not allowed to escort their wards to the class room. They are advised to accompany them up to a certain point/area ear-marked by the school.
- Parents can visit the school every working day between 03.00pm and 04.30pm.
- Ensure that your child is not attending the school while he/she is suffering from any disease.
- If your ward happens to be absent due to illness or any other reason for more than ‘3’ consecutive days, parents should notify the absence through a letter absence and a request for re-admittance.
- Speaking or exchanging pleasantries with the teacher or the staff of the school during the working hours cannot be entertained.
- See that your child/children is wearing the school uniform only when they are attending the school or when the school wants them to wear it during some function either in the campus or outside.
- Whether in uniform or in casuals the parents must see to it that their ward presents an impeccable appearance with neatly pressed dress and hair combed or done neatly. Students are advised to wear the school uniform only when they are attending the school, wearing it on other occasions, can’t simply be appreciated.
- Parents are advised to go through the school diary; circulars and other means of communications, if any, everyday and help your ward to do the homework by encouraging him/her academically.
- Please don’t forget/hesitate to inform the school on time the change in address, phone number or e-mail address.
- Parents are solely responsible if their ward (s) is using independent means of conveyance to attend the school.
- It is imperative that the students who use their own means of conveyance reach the school at 8.15 am and leave by 3 pm. Those who want any changes in the above timings must get the special permission from the school administrative office in advance.
- Make sure that your ward brings his/her napkin, water bottles and other things (academic) everyday.
- The school authorities cannot be held responsible for the loss of any valuables of the student either inside or outside, or in transit. It’s the sole responsibility of the students to look after their belongings..